What is Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient technique in which a skilled practitioner inserts hair-thin needles into specific points on the body to prevent or treat illness. Practiced for more than 3000-4000 years in China and Korea, where it originated, acupuncture is part of the holistic system of traditional Asian medicine. This highly effective system of medical care is based on natural laws, which govern the movement of vital life-giving energy, both in nature and in the body. It views health as a constantly changing flow of energy, or qi. When the energy flow is disrupted due to diet, medications, stress, or other medical conditions, pain or illness can result. Acupuncture is used to correct the underlying cause of abnormal flow of energy by unblocking it, and maintain or restore health to the body and mind. The gentle insertion of hair-thin needles at specific points along the meridian helps restore harmony. In the presence of this subtle yet profound intervention, symptoms often resolve, and patients frequently feel renewed.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture needles, unlike hypodermics, are ultra-fine and flexible, thereby permitting a nearly painless insertion. Acupuncturists attain a high level of skill in gently placing these tiny needles, and often the insertion is barely perceptible. You may feel some cramping, distention, tingling, or electric sensation either around the needle or traveling up or down the affected meridian, or energy pathway.
How Frequently Do I Need to Come to Benefit from Treatment?
Acupuncture works by treating the underlying causes of disease, not merely the symptoms, in order to produce lasting results. The number of treatments depends on the severity of the complaint and on the individual patient. Two or three treatments may be enough for an acute condition. A series of five to fifteen treatments may be needed to resolve chronic conditions. Some degenerative or recurring conditions may require ongoing treatment. It also depends on the individual acupuncturist's experience.
How does Acupuncture work?
Modern Western medicine cannot explain how acupuncture works. Traditional acupuncture is based on ancient Chinese theories of the flow of Qi (energy) and Xue (blood) through distinct meridians or pathways that cover the body somewhat like the nerves and blood vessels do. According to ancient theory, acupuncture allows Qi to flow to areas where it is Deficient and away from where it is Excess. In this way, acupuncture regulates and restores the harmonious energetic balance of the body. In Chinese there is a saying, "There is no pain if there is free flow; if there is pain, there is no free flow."
What can I expect after treatment?
You may notice a spot of blood at one or more of the needle sites and/or a small bruise could develop. These should not be harmful, but please talk to your practitioner if you are concerned.
Patients often experience the most dramatic results in the first treatment. Some patients experience an immediate total or partial relief of their pain or other symptoms. This relief may last or some pain may return. In a few cases, there may be no immediate relief only to notice the pain diminish over the next couple of days. Generally, you should expect to feel better.
Is there anything I need to do before receiving an acupuncture treatment?
Yes, the following suggestions will help you get the maximum benefits from your treatment.
• Maintain good personal hygiene to reduce the possibility of bacterial infection.
• To prevent loss, do not wear jewelry.
• Wear loose clothing. Women should not wear one-piece dresses. Avoid wearing tight stockings.
• Avoid treatment when excessively fatigued, hungry, full, emotionally upset, or shortly after sex.
What is the Advantage of Chinese Medicine over Western Medicine?
Chinese medicine has been around for 3-5 thousand years. The NIH and FDA acknowledge that Chinese Medicine is Categorized as a Holistic (or whole) Medical System. Chinese medicine is an independent scientific system similar to conventional medicine, involving a complete system of theory and practice, rather than simply a complementary or alternative choice to conventional medicine. Acupuncture can treat a whole range of diseases and disorders, not just those related to pain management, though Acupuncture is very good for pain conditions.
Eastern and Western medicine use different approaches to understand the human body. Since the human body is not completely understood and diseases are very complicated, we need to use both of these approaches to understand the human body and treat medical problems.
Chinese medicine has an advantage in treating pain and chronic problems, maintaining good health, and preventing illness because of its unique approach to treating the root of disease not simply the branch (symptom). If you have pain or a chronic medical problem, you should try Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.
Acupuncture treatments help with:
• Headaches/Migrains
• Neck/Shoulder pain
• Back pain/sciatica
• Arthritis
• Sport Injury
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Infertility
• Menopause
• Weight Loss
• Stop Smoking