At Jun’s Acupuncture, it is our goal to help people have healthy and stress free lives in all aspects. When a person has a work related injury, they are typically in a lot of pain and have high stress levels. Having a work related injury effects your health with the injury itself, but also with the increased stress level and possible loss of income. We understand how difficult this can be, and we want our patients to be able to relax and get the help they need without spending a fortune! For this reason, we accept Workers Compensation Insurance. We are in Network with the AcuCare Network, CIGNA, and Workers Compensation. We currently network with Align Network and Tristar for Workers Compensation Claims. We utilize these networks to bill for services for enrolled patients to save them the out of pocket expense. We hope this increases our opportunities to help as many patients as possible in the Santa Clarita community and surrounding communities.
If a patient receives acupuncture treatment for a work related injury, it is important for them to understand how Acupuncture works. Acupuncture is different for every person, some people who seek treatment for a painful injury often assume any treatment given will immediately relieve their symptoms. Though this is true for many patients, it is not always the case. For some patients immediate relief occurs, but for some the relief may occur after a couple of treatments. In rare cases the pain will increase immediately following the treatment only to be eliminated completely a day or so after the treatment. We must inform patients that acupuncture is a unique experience for each person and no one treatment is exactly the same as another. This is part of the effectiveness of this medicine; each patient is treated on an individual basis, with individual needs and individual treatment plans.
In order to best serve workers compensation patients it is important that our patients understand how the process for that kind of claim works. When your Primary Care Physician lets you know you have a workers compensation case, it is important that if you want Acupuncture, you ask him to refer you to an acupuncturist. With a prescription that is approved by your Workers Compensation Insurance group, they should take care of your treatments. Once you have an open claim, the insurance group should send us an authorization for you to begin treatments. After that, your responsibility for continued treatment is just to show up and get well!
We hope to help many patients stay healthy and remain in their work places. We look forward to helping Workers Compensation patients and all patients recover quickly in a stress free environment. Feel free to contact us anytime if you have any questions!