Acupuncturist/Eastern Medicine | Valencia – Santa Clarita

Stress Will Make You Ill!!! Let us give you some suggestions…..


stress free

During this time of year everyone is worried about taxes, deductibles, flood insurance, fire insurance, 401K’s and every other life issue that arises at the beginning of each year.

So, how can we help you? Acupuncture is a great way to reduce your stress and help your body stay healthy. When the body is stressed, their is poor sleeping and anxiety as well. A person cannot maintain health if they are not sleeping well and anxious!

Acupuncture has shown to reduce stress in recent studies. In an article from the Huffington Post they reported that researchers discovered that the “…[electronic] acupuncture blocks the chronic, stress-induced elevations of the HPA axis hormones and the sympathetic NPY pathway,” []  In the same article, it states that “The researchers discovered that stress hormones were lower in rats that had received [electronic] acupuncture. Results were published in the Journal of Endocrinology.”

It is wonderful to see scientific evidence that Acupuncture works to relieve stress, and we are glad to support more studies about the effects of Acupuncture for stress reduction, pain relief, and general longevity.  If each person can reduce the level of stress they experience on a daily basis, the incidence of disease will be far less.  We like to look at Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as a life style that can not only treat disease but also prevent it. By reducing your level of stress, you will sleep better, and have lower anxiety; this  will allow you to be a healthy individual enjoying your life!

“A Healthy and Stress Free Life is Our Ultimate Goal!”


lotus flower


Stress, Depression, Anxiety & Insomnia


Happy September everyone!

Its that time of year again when Summer has come to a close and the holidays will soon dominate our thoughts and lives.  Unfortunately, not everyone is happy about the holidays coming because, for some, it means stress, depression, anxiety, and insomnia are also on their way. Stress, depression, and anxiety are debilitating to many and they can reduce ones quality of life to cause sadness. People respond to these emotions in various ways; some get irritated and short with family and friends, some people shut down and hide in their homes, some people get sick and seek medication. Others may indulge in intoxicants or other dangerous means to escape the way they feel. Some people meditate or workout to relieve their feelings of depression, stress, and anxiety.  However a person deals with their negative emotions, the root of the issue is still the same; stress, depression, and anxiety are difficult to handle.

Sometimes, our minds handle stress, depression, and anxiety one way, and our bodies deal with it in its own way. Often, with these feelings, insomnia or unsettled sleep may also occur creating a cycle that is destructive to the Body, Mind, and Spirit.

The good news about this is that Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy can not only relieve the emotional strain people feel, but it can also correct the physical side effects of these emotions.  For thousands of years Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture have been treating stress, depression, anxiety and insomnia without medications. This can be a great relief to many who have become addicted to anxiety medications or sleeping aids that have other unwelcome side effects like dry mouth, nausea, and digestive disorders. Also, some medications are very expensive and can add up quick to those saving up for Holiday spending. Acupuncture is side effect free and can bring the relief you need in your life.

If you are struggling with stress, depression, anxiety & insomnia trying acupuncture may be the answer you need! The best news of all is that acupuncture is absolutely natural and side effect free. We are here to help you and answer any questions you may have about treatment, so please contact for further information or to schedule an appointment.

A healthy and stress free life is our ultimate goal!
